I am sorry that I have been so slack about posting lately.....BUT.......I have been very busy!
Besides operating two kitchens for Food Works for Midddle Way House I am proud to be a founding member of the Hoosier Raging Grannies and have finally gotten their web page/blog page up. Visit the Hoosier Raging Grannies About Page to learn what Raging Grannies are all about.
My youngest complains that I'm not a Granny and shouldn't be part of the group. I tell her I'm old enough to be a granny and besides, I'm a Grand-Aunt eight times!!!
I simply cannot be passive about what our government has done to our constitution and to the common citizen. So dressing up as a crazy old lady, singing fruity but to-the-point songs and demonstrating seems like a logical course of action for me.
This Bail-out stuff is driving me nuts. The Bush administration has decided to raid and rob the American public before they have to high-tail it out of town. It is plain robbery. And the democratic party let them foist it on us with their hard-won majority. Ugh!!!!!!!!
I better stop while I am still in a good mood.
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