Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice 'authorised waterboarding torture of Al Qaeda prisoners' | the Daily Mail

Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice 'authorised waterboarding torture of Al Qaeda prisoners' | the Daily Mail

This link leads you to an ACLU page to send a message to congress.

The White House was directly implicated for the first time last Friday night in the decision to torture Al Qaeda prisoners.

In addition to what the Aprill 11th article linked here explains about Cheney and Condoleezza's involvement in torture decisions, people need to be aware that on Friday night, in a national television interview, President Bush directly admitted that the White House was deeply and intimately involved in decisions about the CIA’s use of torture.

For the first time, George W. Bush acknowledged that he knew his top national security advisers discussed and approved specific details of the CIA’s use of torture. “I’m aware that our national security team met on this issue and I approved,” he said. He also defended the use of waterboarding -- simulated drowning where the victim feels like they are about to die.

How do we explain to future generations that we allowed these "family value" people to establish top-down torture policies and subvert the constitution?

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